Overcoming Business Process Management and Six Sigma Resistance

Posted by naharazizi on Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm glad to share our "need-to-know tactics for overcoming business process management and Six Sigma Comments" in our "5 basic responsibilities of a thinker" series.

to get started!

In this scenario, Rebecca manages the production of chocolate cupcakes and services. She is charged with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the process she manages while ensuring that any changes it makes a positive impact on the customer and other related businesses functions.

After considerable research, she decides to customized Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology implemented in the major Business Process Management (BPM) strategy is the best option.

convinced of its findings, Rebecca thinks about firing off e-mail to her team members, making her case for BPM & LSS solution.

Now, how do you think Rebecca team members will respond?

"What a great idea Rebecca It sounds like the perfect way to: simplify production, keep the customers happy and keep a job more functions, such as strategic planning, agile !"

Perhaps, but it would not be realistic. Instead of firing off e-mail, Rebecca is a Google search and found:

"Rapid Results Action Plan: Overcoming objections"

A list of specific complaints: Think about how each member of the team sifts through the idea. Based on what you know about all of the personality, probably write a complaint from any person. If there is only one that comes to mind, that's fine. Try to come up with at least one complaint from any person.

B. Objections Answer: It May seem simple, but useful things often. Know how to respond to any complaint before it is requested. Often, complaints come from a lack of understanding. So, be prepared to address concerns by filling in the blanks with information you researched.

C. I agree with others when appropriate: Nobody is ever 100% right, so be flexible. One way of buy-in occurs for which someone else's ideas.

D. Ask questions to understand where the other is coming from. If you find that it does not solve the problem, ask yourself if the complaint is actually reveals something missed.

After reading the Rapid Results Comments of the Action Plan, Rebecca trades 6 possible objection:

1 "Why do not we just work on the control of our processes and not worry about how they tie into a larger function? We do not need bureaucracy and headaches ."

2 "There are so many low-hanging fruit, we know what to do. There is no need to complicate things more-engineering our business by creating models of business processes."

3 "How do we convince all ?"

4 It would take too long ."

5 "I've heard of Six Sigma is down Motorola, which makes them too heavy to be competitive ."

6 "It's too expensive to implement ."

is set to Rebecca shoes for just a moment and think about how you might address above objections ...

After thinking through the comments, Rebecca came up with the following need-to-know tactics for overcoming objections BPM & LSS

1 "Why do not we just work on the control of our processes and not worry about how they tie into larger functions. We do not need bureaucracy and headaches."
How do we know what our processes are the verses of their process, if you do not discuss the activities and work together and separately? Our clients see only one company, and therefore only one process. If not from the inter-process, experts say often change a department in the hope of quickly become undone by another division.

2 "There are so many low-hanging fruit, we know what to do. There is no need to complicate things more-engineering our business by creating models of business processes."
You're right - we should deal with the low-hanging fruit. BPM models such as opportunities and business interaction models show a larger organizational strategic view of the conventional LSS modeling process. We can have a near perfect chocolate cupcakes production process, and the whole company could go down if we do collectively as a company, understand the market and competition effects. BPM combined with the LSS expertise to help priority was obvious low hanging fruit with statistical power.

3 "How do we convince everyone?"
It's true - most times, it is an objective third party for Human Integration Manager and / or changes and the integration of management tools to bring a shared vision among the different departments


4 It would take too long. "
Robust BPM tools with the appropriate team subject matter experts (SMEs) and BPM professionals can create a holistic business process models, on average, less than one day.

5 "I've heard of Six Sigma is down Motorola, which makes them too heavy to be competitive."
Motorola's Six Sigma methodology has reached what is called internal second-generation Motorola Six Sigma, a process management tool moves from counting flaws in the production processes in the overall business improvement methodologies. In 2006, Motorola began to lean transformations and Software Design for Six Sigma,. Integrating time Six Sigma tools, Business Process Management Thinking

6 "It's too expensive to implement."
How do we know that it is too expensive? We are very aware of the cost of poor quality (COPQ) in our organization. We need to get basic LSS as all our non-value added activities stoji.Dobro we documented the fact that the average company engaged in the 3 to 3.5 sigma level, with COPQ ranging between 24% - 40% of their sales. Companies performing at 5 sigma level lower COPQ between 5% -. 10% of their sales

Now, Rebecca is more confident and have answers ready to help your team get on board with the solution. Maybe you can adapt this technique to help get support for your solutions and ideas?