If you go out on the internet, you can literally find millions of so-called online business scams, but what you really are and why there are so many? The answer to that is actually very simple. This so called online business scams because they are not really fraud at all. they are network marketing opportunities that I think are scams.
People think they are scams, because there are so many rumors out there that network marketing is a big scam. The funny thing is that network marketing is more than 50 years, something that old and that is out there is obviously not a scam. challenge for us comes the so-called online business scams is that the Internet is relatively new compared to the industry.
Therefore, as an innovative people begin to use the internet to market your business, it was only a matter of time until people began to think that a scam. A scam is not really an opportunity as well as people think but training, or lack of training, what is happening in the industry.
When people come into the industry usually do not have the experience and the beginning of operation, and not to any guidance is very difficult. People go and do a few things that were said not to, but when they do not see success coming, they really get discouraged and start to think that this is a scam that they are part.
But if they spend their time and really learn the industry and how it works and how to market effectively, it would be a lot less people talking about the so-called online business scams. Instead, they would be talking about how great their network is marking the occasion and how to teach people how to succeed. It is true that all these online business scams.